Video | GoldRush Rally 4 – First Official Trailer

The GoldRush Rally official trailer is finally here from the fourth installment of the GoldRush Rally series. Even though these rides are unattainable for most, it’s still dope to see Bugattis, Rolls’ and Lambos tearing up the highways, tracks and road courses. Stay tuned for more trailers from GR4 and shout out to out to […]

Forgiato Presents: GR4 Launch Party

Check out a dope clip from Forgiato of the Gold Rush Rally 4 Launch Party! Stay tuned for more vids from the rally!

Gold Rush Rally 4 | June 9 -16, 2012

The official Gold Rush Rally route was released today and they’re hitting both coasts in 2012! The Rally jumps off in Los Angeles and ends in Miami (with a short plane ride in between). GR4 is taking a giant leap this year with the new route and we’re looking forward to not only seeing what […]